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SeaQuantum Classic S reduces fuel consumption and carbon emissions by up to 10.2%* and enables ultra-low frictional resistance on the underwater hull, made possible through highly effective biofouling control and a smooth, self-polishing surface profile. ​

SeaQuantum Classic S is a tailor-made, self-polishing silyl acrylate antifouling coating with a verifiable 2.5%* speed loss for medium-activity vessels, which include most types of cargo and passenger vessels. ​

The trusted SeaQuantum silyl formulation in SeaQuantum Classic S, combined with a premium, broad spectrum biocide package, delivers highly reliable long-term fouling protection and energy efficiency of the hull with a consistent 30 idle day ability. ​

The SeaQuantum brand is a global leader in silyl-based anti-fouling coatings with verifiable speed-loss performance. It has been the choice for over 16,000 vessel applications over the last two decades. ​

*Average in-service speed deviation over 60 months docking interval based on ISO 19030 measurement methods. Fuel saving estimates are compared with market average speed loss of 5.9% and a 1:3 power to speed ratio.​


Key Features:-

  • Smooth surface
  • Ice-slip properties
  • High impact and abrasion resistance
  • Third-party tested
  • Ideal for ice-breaking operations


Product Generic Type:-

  • Alkyd Topcoat
  • Architectural topcoats
  • Industrial topcoats
  • Building Interior & Exterior
  • Steel structure protection coatings - buildings



  • Coated Surface


Typical use

Recommended as topcoat, and for touch-up purposes.

Specially suited in areas where high scratch resistance is required. Specially designed for ice going vesselsincluding ice breakers. Suitable as anode shield around ICCP anodes.


Suitable for structural steel and piping to be exposed to corrosive environments up to very high and immersed.Recommended for offshore environments, refineries, power plants, bridges, buildings, mining equipment andgeneral structural steel. Compatible with cathodic protection systems.Additional certificates and approvals may be available on request.


Certificates and Approvals:-

Meets the requirements by Russian Maretime Register of Shipping (RMRS) Class Program for ice going vessels
Meets the requirements by Lloyd's Register (LR) Class Program for ice going vessels

SEAQUANTUM CLASSIC S | Silyl Acrylate Antifouling Paint

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