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Jotaguard 630 is a coating especially engineered for cargo holds and has very good corrosion-protection properties. It has low surface treatment requirements, including Sa2, St2 (ISO 8501-1), Wa 2 (ISO 8501-4), SSPC-SP WJ-2/ NACE WJ-2. Jotaguard 630 has excellent mechanical and abrasion resistance against aggressive cargoes and certificates include grain certificate and FDA approval. 


Key features

  • Very good corrosion protection against aggressive cargoes
  • Engineered for cargo holds
  • Fast recoating/drying times
  • Grain certificate and FDA Approval


Product Generic

  • Cargo hold coatings
  • Anticorrosive primers
  • New construction primers


Certificates and Approvals

Meets the requirements of FDA Title 21, Part 175.300 - dry food

JOTAGUARD 630 | Cargo Hold Coating

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